An approx Guide for Cost of Student housing of Student in Vile Parle Area.
In Mumbai, Vile Parle you’ll enjoy student housing costs that are quite affordable than south Mumbai areas. Below is a approximate guide to housing costs in Vile Parle: (These are just approximate figures actual figures will vary upon living area, locality, facilities, condition, number of students etc..)
Student’s Hostel – Approx Starts from Rs. 25000 per month
Shared Rental for Semi furnished room – Approx Rs. 15,000 per month per person
Shared Rental for Fully furnished room – Approx Rs. 20,000 per month per person
Shared Rental for Fully furnished Managed Service – Approx Rs. 40 to 50,000 per month per person
Food Expense – Approx Rs. 5 to 6000 per month
Travel Expense – Approx Rs. 2 to 3000 per month depending on the area you live and college situated.
Cleaning Expenses – Approx Rs. 2000 per month
Other Expenses – Approx Rs. 2 to 3000 per month
(Please Note the above approx cost given will differ if the students are on sharing basis and will also vary depending on the area you live, rooms area rented, facilities you have and what you agree with the Owner.)